Diagnostics and Servicing Process Department (ZDO) conducts scientific research and expert’s work covering:
- technological processes and equipment of the automotive industry back-up facilities;
- diagnostic tests of the road transport vehicles;
- testing diagnostic, service & repair, vehicle reloading equipment and instruments for psychological tests as well as other service devices applicable to the road transport;
- designing and making prototypes of the testing and measuring equipment for servicing and examining vehicles;
- organizing work of the vehicle inspection stations and controlling their activities;
- type-approval tests for trailers with maximum total weight of up to 3.5 tones;
- training and retraining entities and personnel associated with the automotive industry technical back- up facilities;
- co-operation with the domestic entities (including Ministry responsible for transport) on technical processes in the road vehicles operation as well as associated regulations and standards;
- developing information systems concerning vehicle technical data, including ITS's central index of the vehicle makes and types;
- establishing technical conditions for the instruments and devices of the automotive industry back up facilities and the equipment for the psychological tests;
- on-board vehicle recording and diagnostic systems
- the work of the Automotive Services Center for the Disabled
The Department comprises five Sections: Vehicle Servicing and Diagnostics, Equipment Testing, Vehicle Inspection Stations Technical Advise, Technical Evaluation of the Entities and Automotive Industry Back-up Facilities as well as On-board IT Systems. Activity scope of those sections encompasses:
Vehicle Servicing and Diagnostics Section:
- developing modern diagnostic systems and systems of the vehicles’ operational technical conditions inspections;
- examining and improving existing and introducing new car diagnostic methods;
- developing technical materials, necessary for revising legal standards and state regulations concerning vehicles’ technical conditions;
- acting with the approval of the Minister responsible for transport while realising international agreements, referring to the vehicle inspections,
- developing information systems concerning vehicles’ technical conditions.
Equipment Testing Section:
- testing diagnostic, service & repair, vehicle reloading equipment and instruments for psychological tests as well as other service devices used with respect to the road transport;
- giving opinions and providing expertises for the diagnostic, service & repair, vehicle reloading equipment and instruments for psychological tests;
- compiling design and technological documentation for the prototypes of testing and measuring equipment to be used at the Institute;
- making prototypes of the equipment according to the documentation developed,
- establishing technical conditions for the instruments and devices of the automotive industry back up facilities and the equipment for the psychological tests.
Vehicle Inspection Stations Technical Advise Section:
- doradztwo w zakresie technologii i wyposażenia stacji kontroli pojazdów;
- providing advisory service with respect to the technology and equipment of the vehicle inspection stations;
- providing advisory service with respect to methods of testing vehicles at the vehicle inspection stations;
- organising conferences and seminars under the Institute’s patronage.
Technical Evaluation of the Entities and Automotive Industry Back-up Facilities:
- examining and evaluating vehicle inspection stations and other entities of the automotive industry back up facilities, with respect to complying with the technical and organisational requirements defined by the legal regulations;
- controlling stations and other entities of the automotive industry back up facilities as well as compiling post-inspection list of conclusions,
- giving opinions for the draft projects of the vehicle inspection stations and other entities of the automotive industry back up facilities applying for the financial assistance from the EU;
- expertises for the facilities and equipment of the vehicle inspection stations and other entities of the automotive industry back up facilities introducing quality systems.
On-board IT Systems:
- on-board diagnostic systems of the passenger cars and vans - OBD II and EOBD,
- on-board collision recorders, so called “black boxes”,
- fleet management systems, based on the on-board recorders and GSM as well as GPS technologies,
- active systems improving road traffic safety utilising "rollover control",
- on-board IT networks of the trucks and buses,
- digital tachographs.
Automotive Service Center for the Disabled:
- information, science and technology center,
- providing information to people with special needs regarding products and services of individual transport,
- consultations on obtaining and verifying driving licenses,
- consultations on the selection of adaptive devices,
- cooperation with government and local government institutions, non-governmental organizations and companies from the automotive industry,
- short-term rental of vehicles adapted to the needs of the driver and passenger with disabilities,
- preparing analyzes and opinions on people with special needs,
- testing adaptive devices,
- popularization of knowledge in the field of individual transport.