International Research Projects
International Research Projects
- Action COST 531 - Group project in the European Co-operation Program on the Led free solders Scientific Technical Research. ITS project title: „Structural changes control and their influence on the quality of the soldered joints". Project No. 5000/ZLG. Running period 2004-2006
- Action COST MP0602 - Project Title: „Mutual relationships between the microstructure and properties of the led free solders for the use in high temperatures". Decision No. 283/N-COST/2008/0. Project No. 5807/CBM. Running period 2008-2011
- ALCOHOL & DRUGS - Study on the prevention of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Financing: European Commission. Running period 2019-2021
- Availability Knowledge Centre – Financing: Axis III Higher education for economy and development Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014 – 2020. Running period 2021-2023
- AVENUE (AVENUE for Traffic Safety) - Activities aimed at vulnerable road users, the elderly, young drivers and road users in Europe - for the road safety. Financing: European Commission Grant. Running period: 2010-2013
- Armadillo Club Clicks in the Child Seats – Financing: Centre for EU Transport Projects in the Innovative Economy Program. Running period: 2009 – 2013
- BASELINE - Collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety. Financing: European Commission (Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport Grant). Running period 2020-2022
- BBB - Baltic Biogas Bus - The use of natural gas, obtained from organic sources to power the engines of urban buses. Financing: The Baltic Sea Region Program. Running period: 2009 - 2012
- BEST POINT - The criteria for best practices in the penalty points system. Financing: European Commission Grant. Running period: 2010 - 2012
- Construction of the Polish Road Safety Observatory – Financing: Centre for EU Transport Projects in the Innovative Economy Program. Running period: 2009-2014
- COFRET (Carbon footprint of freight transport) - Carbon dioxide emissions in freight transport. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period: 2011-2013
- DaCoTa - Road Safety Data Collection, Transfer and Analysis. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period 2009-2010
- DRUID - Driving vehicles under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines. Project VI of the EU framework program. Agreement TREN-05-FP6TR-S07.61320-518404-DRUID. Project No. 5602/CBR. Financing: 6th Framework Programme FP6. Running period: 2006-2010
- ECOGEM (Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars) - Cooperative advanced driver assistance system dedicated to electric vehicles. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period: 2010-2013
- EMERALD - Energy Management and Recharging for Efficient Electric Car Driving. Financing: European Commission. Running period: 2012 - 2015
- ERA-NET project E-MAP Electromobility - Market potential development scenarios and political challenges. Financing: European Commission. Running period: 2012 - 2015
- ERIC - Experiencing CBT Programmes In Road Safety In the European Community. Grant agreement No. TREN-E3-08-S-ST-S07.86374-ERIC-DV. Project No. 5803/CBR. Financing: European Commission Grant. Running period 2008-2009
- ERSC - European Road Safety Charter. Financing: European Commission. Running period 2021-2023
- EUCHIRES - European public awareness campaign on the use of seat belts and child restraint systems - within a commissioned DG TREN project of the European Commission, agreement No. TREN - 06 - ST - S07.67694 EUCHIRES 2007. Project No. 5701/CBR. Running period 2007-2008
- EUCHIRES - European public awareness campaign on the use of seat belts and child restraint systems - within a commissioned DG TREN project of the European Commission, agreement No. TREN - 06 - ST - S07.61189 EUCHIRES 2006. Project No. 5601/CBR. Running period: 2006
- EUCHIRES - European public awareness campaign on the use of seat belts and child restraint systems - within a commissioned DG TREN project of the European Commission, agreement No. TREN - 04 - ST - S07.38122. Project No. 5401/CBR. Running period 2004-2005
- F2J - Future-Ready Ed Right Skills To Right Job. Financing: European Commission (Erasmus+). Running period 2018-2021
- HIT 2 CORRIDORS - Hydrogen Infrastructure for Transport. Financing: European Commission. Running period 2015-2016
- ICT-INEX - ICT-based, innovative training model development for building professional competences in transport industry among groups defavorised on labour market. Financing: European Commission (Erasmus+). Running period: 2016-2019
- ISEMOA (Improving Energy Efficient Seamless Mobility Chains for All) - Barrier-free, energy-efficient mobility for all. Financing: The Central European Region Program - "Intelligent Energy for Europe". Implementation period: 2010-2013
- KomCerMet - Metal-Ceramic Composites and Nanocomposites for Aerospace and Automotive Industry. Financing: Centre for EU Transport Projects in the Innovative Economy Program, Action 1.3. The Institute participates in the project as a consortium member. Running period: 2009 – 2013
- KROS - Knights for Road Safety. Financing: European Commission (Erasmus+). Running period 2018-2020
- LEONARDO - Lifelong, learning programme - transfer of innovation, multilateral, Project, Leonardo Da Vinci: Keep workers in the road haulage industry moving. Contract NL/07/LLP-LdV/TOI/123005. Project No. 5805/CZT. Running period 2008-2009
- LEONARDO II - Maintaining workers in the road transport sector. Financing: The Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation ACTION, Lifelong Learning Programme. Running period: 2009-2011
- MODULE CLOSE TO - The Implementation of a Successfully Tested Methodological Approach in the European Driving Education System. Agreement No. TREN/SUB/02-2006-S07.70324. Project No. 5801/CBR. Running period 2008-2010
- MOVING STARS - MOVING Safely To All Roads. Financing: European Commission (Erasmus+). Running period 2020-2022
- NEARCTIS - Network for Excellence: Advanced Road Cooperative Traffic Management in the Information. Project No. 5806/CZT. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period 2008-2009
- PPT ITS Trade Contact Point at the Polish Technology Platform for the Intelligent Transport Systems. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period: 2007 – 2013
- Road Safety Education Centre for Children and Youth - Stage I Groundwork. Financing: Centre for EU Transport Projects in the Innovative Economy Program. Running period: 2008 - 2014
- Rose 25 (Inventory and compiling of an European Good Practice Guide on Road Safety Education targeted Young People) - Draft ordered by DG TREN of the European Commission. Running period: 2004 – 2005
- SAFER WHEELS Study on accident causation for traffic accidents involving powered two-wheelers and bicycles in the European Union. Financing: European Commission, Call for tender MOVE/C4/2014-244. Running period 2015-2017
- SAFETY TUNES - European Road Safety Tunes. Running period 2015-2017
- SafeWay2School (Integrated System for Safe Transportation of Children to School) - Integrated safe transportation system of children to / from school. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period: 2009 - 2012
- SARTRE III - Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk In Europe. Project covered testing public opinion and declared behaviours of the European drivers. Project No. 6428/CBR. Financing: 5th Framework Programme FP5. Running period 2002-2004
- SARTRE IV (Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk in Europe) - The attitudes of road users to the dangers in the European road traffic. Financing: European Commission Grant. Running period: 2009-2012
- SHLOW - Show Me How Slow: Mobilising Evidence from Transport Research into Speer. Contract TPT-2007-0.0-05. Raising Citizen Awareness of Transport Research in Europe. Project No. 5804/CBR. Financing: 7th Framework Programme FP7. Running period 2008-2010
- SOL (Save Our Lives: A Comprehensive Road Safety Strategy for Central Europe) - "Save a Life": A comprehensive road safety strategy for Central Europe. Financing: Central European Region Program. Running period: 2010-2013
- The development of innovative technology for complete wishbone aluminium alloy – Financing: the Structural Funds for 2004-2006 (SOP ICE Measure 1.4.1). Running period: 2004 - 2008
- The SEC-Safety Belt - Road traffic safety improvement program for the South, Eastern and Central European Countries - project run by an expert group of the scientific centres' representatives from the EU countries within ETSC organisation. Project No. 6427/CBR. Running period 2004-2006
- The increase in competences of the driver training centres staff. Financing: the European Union through the European Social Fund Operational Programme Human Resources. Running period: 2010 - 2011.
- „TRANS-SZKOLENIA” - Trainings for employees of the collective transport sector in terms of the needs of people with special needs, including people with disabilities. Financing: Axis II Effective public policies for the labour market, economy and education Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014 – 2020. Running period: 2019-2023
- TRUSTONOMY - Building Acceptance and Trust in Autonomous Mobility. Financing: European Commission (H2020). Running period 2019-2022
- Fulfilling the task for the project - Violence and Injury Prevention, run by the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Running period: 2008
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Motor Transport Institute functions within international co-operation on creating following data bases:
- IRTAD - The International Road Traffic and Accident Database
- CARE - Community Database on Accident on the Roads in Europe
- SAFETYNET - Developing the European Road Safety Observatory